Mission for 2013-2014…

What:  Build a 4000 square foot dormitory facility in Mexicali for 30-35 Orphans to call home. This facility will provide a safe and comfortable environment, complete with a homework study room, game room, library, dining room, 17 (2 children) bed rooms and a social room. It will have an east wing for girls and a west wing for boys. It will also have two resident assistants living quarters and will be closely monitored by     our foundation year round.


For Who: The orphans.  In fact the children who will be living in the new facility are already in place. They currently live nearby in an old rented home that provides basic needs, but doesn’t offer a sense of permanency.  With the new residency our foundation will provide, we will ensure these children have a permanent location to call home.

Where:  The facility will be built in Mexicali, Mexico, Esteban’s home town.  It’s planned location is close to the children’s school, playground and church.  It will be constructed with the local government’s approval.  And it will be owned by our foundation.

The funding of this project will come from four sources: 

-Esteban’s personal contribution of 10% of 2013 Official Earnings 

-The Birdie / Eagle club members (Coming Soon)

-Donations to the Foundation (95% of all donations will go directly to our projects)

-March 2014 Fundraising Tournament at Tustin Ranch Golf Club

© The Esteban Toledo Family Foundation 2013-2014